Elvis & Zoe’s Tale
The road to a perfect weight
Elvis and Zoe joined our family to fill in the emotional void of children moving out of the house. Elvis came first 13 years ago, then Zoe came along 6 years ago. They turned out to be best friends who share everything together, even though they have different interests! Elvis is an adventure junkie who goes swimming, camping, and can’t stop running around nature…and Zoe is simply a diva!
The economic situation in Lebanon was the main reason we started looking for a different solution when it comes to food. The second reason was knowing that dry food has a lot of additives, fillers and preservative and if it’s not good for us, then it’s not good for them either. The third reason was learning about PawPots from a friend who gets it for her dog, and she was telling us how much her pug loves the food and how convenient it was.
It really solved the inconvenience of going to buy food from the vet, which sometimes was so hard and out of my way, so I just give them from our food, which I know is better but not perfect. And if you ever leave the bag of dry food open, it’s an insect invasion in the house! Having a clean, frozen, affordable option in such a messy food situation helps a lot, which my dogs love! It’s also delivered to my house, which was exactly what I was looking for and I couldn’t be happier!
Elvis is overweight and old, and we were trying hard to make him lose weight with no success because he really loves food, and none of the food we got him helped. His excess weight affected his heart, his energy, and his enlarged heart started pushing on his lungs, so he kept coughing. When we started PawPots, he started losing weight and got better, coughing once a day instead of 10 times a day. He got back to running around and is a much happier dog, which is amazing considering his age. Elvis’s situation is a great example of how pets improve with PawPots!
Zoe is a mini-sized dog, and her dry food intake was too little because she couldn’t eat it. We were always worried that she was malnourished. With PawPots, she started eating more, she’s healthy and gained weight!

Give Back The Love
Show your love to your pets with our high-quality, delicious and healthy meals!
Give Back The Love
Show your love to your pets with our high-
quality, delicious and
healthy meals!